Have a nice traditional cart ride with us !!
But, there's seriously something wrong with my computer, I REALLY can't use it as usual.
Now that I could only upload these fantastic photos, just follow me for fun !
But, there's seriously something wrong with my computer, I REALLY can't use it as usual.
Now that I could only upload these fantastic photos, just follow me for fun !
to be continued........
1. [愛戀菊島] 北海小英雄MV搶先看
2. [愛戀菊島] 旅行中的邂逅
3. [愛戀菊島] 全副武裝*啟程*登陸
4. [愛戀菊島] 印象馬公*北甲北辰宮*城隍廟
5. [愛戀菊島] 馬公美食*讚哥燒肉、正港檸檬汁、大腸包小腸、玉冠嫩仙草冰
6. [愛戀菊島] 觀音亭*西瀛虹橋
7. [愛戀菊島] HK的鎮海灣休閒民宿
8. [愛戀菊島] 白沙鎮海灣的清晨
9. [愛戀菊島] 吉貝沙尾*姑婆嶼*北海精緻一日遊 part 1 動感MV篇
10. [愛戀菊島] 海裡的鑽石
11. [愛戀菊島] 吉貝沙尾*姑婆嶼*北海精緻一日遊 part 2
12. [愛戀菊島] 鎮海灣的傍晚*老謝的店*馬公美食*來福海鮮餐廳、廟口黑砂糖冰、嘉嘉碳烤、澎湖人的原創品牌
13. [愛戀菊島] 白沙鎮海*狗仔*牛人